Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Let me start out by clarifying that my house is CLEAN and I am not a hoarder by any stretch. I just despise the act of cleaning and feel I lack many organizational skills. Funny thing is, in my professional life I am often told 'you're so organized!' and I can't help but chuckle on the inside.

The worst part of my house is my kitchen island and 'phone desk.' The island is usually 70% clear, since I do use it to prepare food. However, the other 30% is cluttered in papers, magazines and other miscellaneous items that have found their way there. It gets completely cleared at least once every other week when our cleaning girls come in. I have to clear it off or else they will just clean around it. The phone desk is another story. It is about a 3x3 ft section of space next to my refrigerator which is hardly ever clear. When I clear the island, anything I need gets placed in this area. This is my goal to tackle on my 'break' this week. The good thing is, I feel like a majority of what is piled there can be tossed in the trash, since I haven't thoroughly emptied it since the summer.

I am going somewhere with this, I promise....my laundry situation is another story all together, which you can read about in my entry "butt-quack underwear." Our front railing posts are used to hang our coats and we have a pile of frequently worn shoes on a small carpet by our front door. I walk into other people's homes and marvel at how neat everything is. I wonder how they do it....and I just don't think I will ever get there. My point is, I feel as if I have embraced this thing about me. I cringe when a neighbor unexpectedly rings the doorbell and hesitate to set-up play dates, because I don't want to be judged by our coats hanging on the railing. It really is not that big of a deal, and like I said earlier, the house is cleaned top to bottom every other week.

This year, that is all going to change. No, I have not been chosen to be on 'Clean Sweep,' I just realize that this is me. Our house is lived in, comfortable and functional to our revolving door lifestyle...it suits us....rather than spend our precious family time organizing and tidying, we are going to enjoy each other's company and go to the park or the zoo. Our mess will be there when we get back. And if you are going to judge me by the fact that my house is less-than-pristine, you are not my friend anyway. So, feel free to stop by, we want to see you. Just don't mind our clutter ;)

1 comment:

  1. Erica, we might be the same person! I loathe cleaning but I hate having the clutter. I get so fed up sometimes I just go through a room and throw away anything I haven't used in the past 3-6 months!
