I am still at a crossroads, but the signs are more clear and my GPS knows exactly where I am going. I had a slight detour putting off my graduation a semester, but that turned out to be the exit I never knew about with the really great restaurant and scenic view. I have been fortunate to have been offered a position in a program that does not hire nurses right out of school, but hires interns who can work into positions. Holla! To hell with the lemonade, I'm adding vodka to my lemons! Not only do I gain direction and a job, but I have been rewarded with a sense of moving forward.
Someday I hope to be a director of nursing somewhere, with a couple of more degrees (in nursing, no more career change!!!) and look back at these blog entries and just laugh. Laugh at my worries, how I thought THIS was the hard part, and be thankful that I burst through the glass ceiling to get what I wanted. Too many people get so close to that ceiling, but are too polite or afraid to throw a rock at it.
I have taken and continue to take risks. Nothing is certain, but you never know unless you try. I hope to prove a great example to my kid, by showing him that giving up is not an option. Even though my husband will never admit it out loud, I think even he has been inspired by my 'why not?!' attitude. But he is an engineer, so I will let him stay in his box with his zeroes and ones ;)
For now, I will keep on this crazy journey...at least now I know where I'm headed :)
Amen sister! :) Who knows - it might be me in a few years when there are no jobs for me and Kaylin is in school!