Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hubby had a business dinner last night, so the kid and I had a date at Friendly's. I also got official confirmation yesterday from my new employer that yes, the job is mine and I begin in June. So what better time than over an ice cream sundae to let my little man know what is going on.

"Hey, bud, mommy got a job." *kid pouring sprinkles onto his ice cream* "Yeah, I know. I heard you on the phone.' ME: 'how does that make you feel?' Kid: 'It makes me feel happy for you. I mean daddy has a job and you're just in school all the time.' Me: 'I will be working in the middle of the night, so you won't even know I'm gone. Do you understand why nurses have to work in the middle of the night?' Kid: 'Well, people get sick all the time. At night too. You need to take care of them.' Me: 'That's right buddy. Mommy will take care of them.'

And that was it.....after months, well, years of agonizing over whether to work or stay home, my troubles melted away. My kid is not only ok with this, but he totally gets it! I have raised a child who not only sees that a world bigger than him exists, but he is ok and proud of my drive to help

You cannot make this stuff up. This conversation went way beyond where I had expected it to go, AND my kid humbled me. Well, duh, you're a nurse, you help people, people are sick 24/7.

And all in the same realization, I came to the conclusion of WHY I am doing this. Even better, he sees that mommies AND daddies can work...holy moly...I hope this means I am raising a child who really gets it and will continue to do so. To this I say 'you're welcome' to the lucky lady he takes as a wife....

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I love that he already knew because he heard you on the phone! You've been pondering how to break it and he knew the whole time!
