Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rich and famous

We had the opportunity to take a spring break vacation this year, and chose to hit up Aspen, Colorado. The events of these past few weeks, including the tragic loss of a young cousin of ours, made the idea of getting away so much sweeter.

But that is not what I am blogging about. I am blogging about the incredibly rude and ignorant parenting we witnessed among the wealthy Apsen vacationers....Holy wow!!

Apparently, putting your kid in the best, priciest purchased ski gear is the only way to go. While our kid had a fancy-schmancy snowsuit (that I purchased off-season at 50% off,) his rented equipment made him stand out in the crowd. Why would one purchase their growing child ski equipment?? It will last them months at best, and guess what? They lose EVERYTHING!! A kid in our kid's class lost his does one lose what is attached to their head?! So his parents bought him a new one?!?!

Then there were the parents who would only have their child in a private lesson. I can see both sides on that one, but why pay for a private lesson when your child is only going to cry and refuse to ski??? You just paid good money for a qualified ski professional to print out sheets for your kid to color in!

Then the best part....the parents who picked up their kids when ski school was over, did not pay for extended care, and instead let their kids run amok in the outside perimeter of the bar while they enjoyed their pitcher of beer and tequila shots. Seriously?! Keep it classy, people! We brought our kid into the bar with us and bribed him with candy while we chugged our brews ;)

My husband and I are far from perfect, but puh-lease! If you are going to ignore your children, leave them at home. Or hire a babysitter...I met a nanny of a tiny little Brazilian baby whose parents hired her for the week....that's right, I roll with 'the help.' I am fascinated by people with nannies. Put your infant in a Bugaboo Chameleon in a fancy fleece bunting, and hit the slopes worry -free...NICE!

The highlight of my week though, was when we were sitting by a fire pit. We saw a kid get burned by the heat, and when another came to take his place throwing rocks into the flames I said, 'hey buddy, be careful it's really hot over there.' He winced in pain from the heat, told me I was not in charge of him and continued to bask in the scalding heat simply in order to disobey my comment. Wow. Just wow. The kid would rather get burned than take heed from a well-meaning adult.

We did have fun, and my kid has his share of gems when he loudly announced in a swanky steakhouse that he was not going to vomit but he really needed to poo...I can only hope we provided fodder for some other hopeful blogger this week ;)

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