Friday, April 20, 2012


I have faced many struggles in the past 2 years as a full-time nursing student. Especially these past 3 months. I was horribly sick, there was a tragic loss in our family, and I had otherwise just had it.

Before then, I felt the stress just like everyone else, but I seemed to be able to take it better in stride. I would have a tantrum and move on. But I saw some of those around me crumble at other points as I feel I have this semester. My nature is to try to comfort people, and help them realize their worth. I feel like people should be less hard on themselves and realize how much they DO do right (if only I took my own advice!)

At the times I offered kind words and a shoulder to cry on, I never thought I would ever need to receive any of it in return. Never considered the idea of a payback, it is just what I do. But these past few months, I have received the most kind, well meaning wishes from those around me who saw I needed it.

Some of them were friends I knew I had, some were ones I didn't really know at all, and some were ones I once provided a comfort for. And those ones remembered what I had done for them. I always try to remember to thank anyone who listens to my sob story or points out my strengths, and this time when I did, some of the people told me how much they appreciated my being there for them.

What goes around truly does come around. While I was not and am not calling in any of my chips, I will never forget the thank-yous I received and the people who remembered my kind words for them. The moral of my story is, always pay it forward. Not so you can get it back when you need it, but so you can be more accepting of one's kindness when you need it.

I have met some of the kindest, most amazing people through nursing school. And I think each of us broke even just a tiny bit at SOME point. Some more obviously than others, but I cannot believe anyone in my class can say they never felt they had had it with school.

Our breaks were were not out of weakness, but of strength. It takes a lot of character to admit you cannot fulfill all requirements. They say it takes more muscles to frown than is ok to admit enough is enough. And we had a support system there to catch us. Let us always remember how we were there for each other. Nobody can ever understand what this has been like, except those of us who have been there. Our bonds go deeper than nursing school....we taught each other what it is like to be human.

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