Sunday, April 1, 2012


My son has forgotten to return his completed homework folder two Fridays in a row, I volunteered to help at a school event and recanted saying I had a forgotten a previous commitment only to recant yet again saying I had the wrong week in mind and I WOULD be there, and THEN I forgot Friday was our snack day and stopped at the grocery store at 0730 only to send in carrot-shaped bags of cheeseballs in a desperate attempt to send in a fun (albeit unhealthy) snack...

I can only imagine what the teachers must think. I am not being arrogant in this statement. They know my child well. They spend more waking hours per week with him than I do. They read his stories, see the art he creates, they hear his stories of what goes on at home. They have to have a picture in mind of what I am like. And I am horrified...

I used to teach. I know what teachers talk about in the faculty room....I cannot count how many times I have said 'I just don't understand how a parent can't know what is in their child's backpack!' 'I sent this home weeks ago, how could they forget?!' HA! I have pity on all their souls now.

Now someone can become irritated when I repeatedly forget our class snack day, my kid doesn't know if he is going to car line or extended care, or whether he really needs to wear glasses since he always seems to forget them.....does what go around really come back around? Was I destined to be the disorganized parent who doesn't even know what day it is because she is so involved in her own school work?

I find part of this comical since I know everything is ok, and my child is thriving at home and in school. But still, a little part of me wants to duck and hide when I see one of his teachers coming my way. If only they knew the turmoil I have trying to strike a balance between career and motherhood. If only they knew that the times I am the most frazzled, are the days I have over-extended myself volunteering my free time to my community....Nah...let them just see me for the hot mess I am. But please let them know it is all in the name of love...and I have been in their shoes and know how annoying I am ;)

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