Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Butt 'quack' underwear

I HATE doing laundry. I hate the entire process. In fact, just the other day I said to my husband that I would have rather scooped my eyes out with a melonballer than fold his whites...okay, a gross exaggeration, but you get my point. 

We have 4 hampers in our house for 3 people, and they are usually all full-overflowing. I am okay with this as long as we all have something decent to wear...and clean underwear. A few months ago, during the height of my semester, my husband was getting dressed for work and to my great horror, I discovered he was wearing the novelty boxers his parents had gotten him as a gag gift on their Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago. Boxers with a few cartoon ducks on the back with the phrase 'BUTT QUACK' scrolled across them. From my not quite conscious vantage point in bed, I managed to shout out 'you're not supposed to ACTUALLY wear those as underwear!!' to which he responded 'I have no clean underwear, what do you want me to do???' At which point, I just burst into laughter not only at the ridiculous boxers, but how desperately I hate doing laundry and how he had come to the desperation of wearing a gag gift under his cargo pants. 

Why doesn't he do his own laundry? Because I prefer he not. Due to the backlog of laundry in our household, it is very annoying to me to go throw in a load and find a nasty load in the washer that has been stewing in moisture for a couple of days because he forgot to switch them to the dryer. So we live in a world where only I utilize the washing machine, unless there is an true no clean underwear. 

I warned him that I was going to blog about the 'butt quack phenomenon' sometime in the coming days and while he first bristled with embarrassment, he quickly chuckled at the idea. We live among organized chaos, and we choose to embrace it. It's okay to be flawed...but not having clean underwear is NOT an option ;)

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