Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I left my house before 6am this morning. Put in a 9 hour day on the psych unit and discussion of my patients, raced to be in time for the kiddo's violin lesson, and made the 35 minute trek home, knowing I had a couple of hours of school work waiting for me later in the evening.

Nothing extraordinary here, just the day in the life of a working parent. My story leads me to the moment of panic I felt after I called my husband and asked him to pick up a pizza on his way home....today is Tuesday...pizza day at school...I am going to feed my kid pizza twice in one day!! Oh, the horror!! While I realized after a moment of clarity that he would indeed survive and may even not complain about what's for dinner for a change, I felt panic-stircken in that initial moment.

It then made me think, what DID I/we do for our child today? Husband took him to school since I went in too early to do drop-off, he had a great day in school and got to create a clay animal in art class, got to play outside with friends after school, and got picked up only to head to a violin lesson. He even got to taste a faschnacht in extended care. All while his dad went to work hard all day at his job, and his mom was at school furthering her education.

This is a far cry from horrid. We all came home, ate dinner together as a family and he is now relaxing on the couch with a couple of TV shows. While I would prefer my child to have a healthy, well-balanced diet, I'd say he had a pretty damn good day today while his parents worked to provide for his well-being. It's ok to have pizza for lunch AND dinner. I'll cook tomorrow night...

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