Monday, January 16, 2012

The business trip phenomenon...

I would really love to know what it is that makes bizarre things happen when my husband goes out of town for work. How does karma KNOW when he is leaving, how long he'll be gone and how to throw JUST enough at me to make me go a little cuckoo??

This trip, which still has another 24+ hours to go, fell over MLK day, which left me scrambling for a sitter (thanks to a dear friend for covering!) made me go in late for the second week in a row to my clinical portion of class, AND left me with a broken toe. The minor inconveniences come with the territory, but the toe was the twist of bizarre to make my life a twinge more difficult.

The first time he went away for more than a couple of days, happened to be the exact same day our son (14months old at the time) decided to take his first steps, leaving me in a 100% NON-childproofed house. The next memorable incident was a few years later when I was recovering from a major foot surgery and one of our dogs got horribly sick. I couldn't take care of her the way she needed, so I boarded her at the vet who ran every test known to man, and $700 later it turned out she had a minor UTI...A year or so after that, our refrigerator motor blew up the day he flew out, leaving me living out of coolers in our garage and frantically shopping for a replacement.

I am not a particularly spiritual person, but even I can't help but wonder if there is a little more than coincidence to these situations. Maybe someone is trying to show me how good I have it with him, and how much he really does help and support me when he is home. Maybe it is a trial to show me that I CAN"T do this all alone, even though I feel like I can. Hmm...I dunno, but it sure makes me wonder what is behind this business trip phenomenon ;)

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